Saturday, July 28, 2007

a day has passed

mom and sis left for holiday last night, and now one entire day has passed without them, god i actually miss ready breakfast in the mornings, no automatic house cleaning..i guess this is what a bachelor's life is

my first class of driving wasnt really 'smooth'. i was sweating even though the damn air conditioning was on! i really need to work on my coordination and pressure release lol

oh wells, thats life for the next month for me

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

and yet again

and so it happens again, a close friend is leaving, that makes one less friend of the handful i have. oh wells, i guess its for the best perhaps, even though i hate it. im not sad, way past that, im just really pissed off. and wat are the odds, it had to happen during 'summer', another shitty summer ftw!

everything's just going slow and shitty at the moment. i just hope at the end of all this, that its for something better.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

and the battle was won

weird evening, my slippers were extra squeaky and i nearly lost my fingers tryin to open a bottle of dew, damn cover didnt budge for 10 mins and it was cold, to top it off...grr

well, i had to collect my passport back from the driving school office and when i called to check on it, that dumb bitch couldnt get the pronunciation of my name right, 3 times. pfft!

alright im off to bed

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


so i got myself registered for driving classes, which hopefully should be done within a month's time.kinda nervous about it, but hopefully this is only a temporary thing.

i didnt know microSD cards were soo much in demand, i went to 2 stores n they were out of them O_O had to settle for a 512MB one, eh i dont need 1GB anyways. *pets ego*

now hopefully things should settle down soon and i can enjoy some quiet time at home...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


its almost 12.30 a.m. im staring at the computer screen with a feeling of bloatedness. i cant believe im soo fucking bored. heck, at this point, I'd even make out with a random chick to pass some time XD

i had cookies after AGES today, and good are they as good as i remember them. *yawn* ok sleep is getting the better of me.


Tuesday, July 3, 2007

darkest hour

its the second week into the summer holidays and its already begun to get shittier than it is. more shit from my dad, mom and others. the middle-class mentality has to make everything and anything related to money.

i wish i had college, at least it would be sort of a lesser evil compared to this. speaking of which, i saw my IBM professor at the mall yesterday...weird...he sucked. havnt been in the mood to whole heartedly learn a song on the guitar either. this is hell.

love the heat, hate the summer.