Sunday, December 30, 2007


fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck im freaking out about my exams. i have no clue how this is going to go for me honestly...

and, i have nothing to do for new years, to top it off

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

hail santa

so it is christmas, its gay. mass was crap. no fun parties :(
hung out with some friends (thank god). expecting guests..


Sunday, December 23, 2007


so, i got a new date for my 'postponed' test, now its at the end of feb! fuckers....

christmas is around the corner *snore*...less than 2 weeks for my exams to begin *faint*
on an unrelated note, my plan of 'epic' proportion is working to an extent ^^

got invited to a party day after

Friday, December 21, 2007


so i got out of having to attend a wedding reception, by telling my folks that i had a 'christmas party' to go to...hehehehehe....but the party was canceled :( so i just hung out wit a friend.

played Halo 3 co-op (awesome!) but this kid watching us was annoying as fuck, telling me what to do and where to go...fuk! and then we saw this chick with the most perfect behind OMG! ^^

Monday, December 17, 2007

it ends

so today was technically the last day of this crappy sem, and now we head out for the exams in jan...bleh! didnt get our hall tickets yet(the main reason i bothered going to college today)...

was hoping for more of a so long than i got :( anyhoo, 8 days for christmas..i think. could care less, i dont have anything good to do for christmas or new years, being practically friendless ^^

so i guess i'll hit my books


Thursday, December 13, 2007

R.I.P Chuck Schuldiner

Today is the 6th anniversary of Chuck's passing. he was an amazing musician, really talented. died due to a rare form of brain cancer. Rest in peace brother, you live on in your music.

Shamal is postponed to March, there went the only thing going for me this month :( two more days of college left before this shitty semester ends. and OMG we dont have any breaks in between our fucking exams....FUCK!

this coming week beings my battle with the RTA...grr


Chuck in our hearts, evil in our minds.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Fuck you RTA!

so i reach the driving center for my scheduled road test only to find out that its not confirmed and that they will let me know! i wasted a day of class for this shit. i had a nice pleasant ride to the place, got their fairly on time and im greeted with this crap!

im having an acne attack again. my forehead resembles war-torn land. speaking of war, going to watch Black Hawk Down soon (i know its late but stfu!) ^^

two tests coming up this week, bleh.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


so i just got done with one round of finance extra classes, round 2 on sunday *faint*

have my second driving test tomorrow, hope that doesnt crap like the last time (though im pretty sure it will) :)

soo tired...